
Taichi kokoro connect
Taichi kokoro connect

taichi kokoro connect

I’ve already knew that things won’t go better in this episode with the title’s nod to Agatha Christie’s And Then There were None, and, of course, the club members begin to have another round of falling apart, this time without that sense of unity and healing shown in the earlier arc.

taichi kokoro connect

The problem heightens once again in this episode, even though there was only one impulse-attack. As shown in the above picture with Nagase’s yandere-eye (…), the next episode’s school trip event will probably mark the climax of the arc, probably by bringing the love triangle between Taichi and Nagase + Inaba.Ĭonflicts arise one after another, and then there were none. Once again, he reappeared as Goto to act as a catalyst to move Inaba forward. Good job, Aoki the new flag master.Īnd of course, our dear old antagonist ‘Heartseed’ doesn’t let things go so easily. This episode probably sealed the Aoki x Yui couple. Just as Nagase’s inner conflict was the main focus of the first arc, this arc seems to focus on Inaba’s inner battle on one side, she wants to be with the others, while on the other she doesn’t want to bring harm to their current relationships. With Yui’s return, Inaba remains as the last boss of this arc. Looking at this way, it’s as if each of the members are filling what others lack for instance, Nagase’s (although sometimes forced) lightheartedness, Taichi’s drive, Inaba’s cool, calm attitude, Aoki’s happy-go-lucky attitude, and Yui’s hot-headed personality. Without the cool-headed Inaba, it doesn’t take long for the four stooges to go out of control. With Yui’s return, the Club returns to its more fun, joking atmosphere, and each of the character’s brief impulse attacks ( eat!) proves that the attacks won’t always bring harm to each other. There were some comedic instances in past few episodes, but not as delightful as what this episode mostly brought. This episode makes sure that audiences know what gap in the casts’ relationship Yui’s absence has caused each character, san Inaba, is brought to life in more vivid form. Then later, Yui at long last makes her return to the school, and she manages to change what was once bleak school episodes to more lighthearted and colorful one. Aoki then steps in to become her white knight, just as Taichi had done for Nagase.

taichi kokoro connect

With Aoki’s rather forced confessions (and a proposal for a trip to love hotel), and Taichi’s usual main-character-appropriate-comments, Yui opens up to the duo once more. Taichi and Aoki then proceeds to Yui’s house while Nagase goes to Inaba’s house. Of course, the friendship is instantaneously reestablished, despite Aoki’s previously out-of-character moodiness. After the little incident in the previous episode, Taichi tentatively goes to make a declaration of friendship to Nagase and apologize to Aoki.

Taichi kokoro connect